Chicky Chicky Chook Chook by Cathy MacLennan

Chicky Chicky Chook Chook by Cathy MacLennan

This new book is a wonderful addition to any infant, toddler or preschool collection. Repetitive sounds and rhymes tale the tale of chicks and other creatures one sunny (then rainy day). It begins, “chicky, chicky, chook, chook, chick, chick, chick”. The rhythm begs to be shared as a read aloud.

The artwork has the playfulness of Ed Emberley’s fingerprints, but are more dimensional and feel more grounded. Each page is created on a paper bag brown background in bright contrasting colors. The chicks are wispy and soft. (Except when they’re bedraggled and wet.) The roosters are bright and bold, the bees are full of energy and the cats are just as mischievous and cuddly as cats should be.